Welcome to our web site!
Previous Kittens
We like to thank those who have adapted our kittens and have sent pictures and updates of them growing up.
All kittens are adopted.

Blue colorpoint boy

Jett, Zack (not our "kitten") and Leo

Isadora, Chocolate mitted female kitten

Milo, Avalanche and Jean Valjean, blue mitted boys

Meo, seal colorpoint boy

Mr Handsome - Ben, Chocolate point

Flora - Blue lynx point girl. A very special kitten to us.

It is Stevie - Blue Lynx Bicolor girl, little purring princess

Merlin, chocolate lynx mitted boy

Halo - flame mink bicolor boy

Pinky, pure white blue eyed boy

Seal mitted boys

Dakota, blue bicolor boy

Flame point baby-boy

Kona - Seal colorpoint girl

Barkley grown up

Mr. McHenry - chocolate lynx bicolor boy

Chester - seal colorpoint boy

Phoebe, seal tortie girl

Mo in his home

Antar, blue bicolor boy

Flame point boy named Toothless. Yes he has all the teeth! Did you see movie How to Train Your Dragon?

Murphy, seal lynx bicolor boy, with his pet

Princess Blu

Izzy and blinds

Avalanche, 1 y.o.

Toby on the passenger seat

Mia painted her kitten Olivia

Darmok, blue bicolor boy, just met his happy owner for the first time

Casper, Lilac point, with his adorable owner

Merlin celebrates his owner's birthday

Halo 2 years old

Rusty, pure white blue eyed boy

Seal mitted boys

Dakota, 1 y.o.

Tortie point girl Taima

Mr. Barkley - Blue colorpoint boy

Marshmallow - blue mitted boy

Two headed beast Frankie&Chuck

Phoebe, seal tortie girl

Monet, lilac mitted boy

Dylon, flame bicolor boy

Lola, blue mitted girl

Toothless visiting while his family on the trip

Chess, Seal Mitted boy
"He's a very obedient and wonderful cat. He's also very smart so lives up to his name in a sense :). Our son sleeps in the top of a bunk bed sort of arrangement that has a desk under the bed so there's a ladder involved. Chess climbs right up the ladder like a little boy to join him at night as his bed buddy. They both are just right for each other"
(quote from email)

Tim, 7 mo, 10 lb

Crosby, 6 mo, with his sweet owner

Sky Lily, Tortie point girl
"I just wanted to give you a little update on Lily!
She weighs 13 pounds, and is full of love!"

Pearl, 1 y.o - 16 lb!

Magic, Blue bicolor boy

Tiny, seal mitted boy

Mini- seal tortie bicolor girl

Seal Colorpoint Boy

Toby visiting, 8 mo

Khaleesi - Seal bicolor girl

Katia is all grown up and beautiful!

Zeke and Sugar went home together

Sugar - seal mitted girl

I am huge!

Are you there?



Love Soccer? We do!

Baby kangaroo Yulia

Bath time - Stella

Right fit


I will flirt with you!

Heads are still too heavy

Vacuum cleaner is way too scary!

Tim, Blue bicolor boy

Crosby, flame point boy

Crosby, 6 mo, with his sweet owner

Pearl, flame point boy

Merlin, Blue mitted boy

Magic and Merlin went home together.
Here they are at 6 months old

Rags, seal colorpoint boy

Shahumi, seal colorpoint boy

Toby, Seal mitted boy

Khaleesi - Seal bicolor girl

Katia - Seal bicolor girl

Simon - Seal Bicolor boy

Zeke - seal bicolor boy

Seal Mink Mitted boy

Basket is full

We share everything, including the cat tree
Lilac and Chocolate

Hi, I am Charlie.

Men thing

Weight watch

Comfortable place

What is baby saying?


Do you know how to cook? Let me help you!

Falling off


You are sweet!...You too!

Seattle, WA